William Allinson Journal.


William Allinson Journal.

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276 p.

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George Dillwyn (1738-1820) was a Quaker minister born April 26, 1738, Old Style (May 7, New Style), in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to John and Susanna (Painter) Dillwyn. He married Sarah Hill in 1759. Dillwyn was unsuccessful in business, but was recognized as a minister in 1766. In 1784, he and his wife traveled to England and the continent of Europe on a religious visit, along with Sarah Grubb, Mary Dudley, and Robert Grubb. In 1793, Dillwyn and his wife again visited England, where they staye...

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During the Early Republic, the Society of Friends struggled to preserve its peculiar identity in the midst of a rapidly changing America. Conflict between the Society and the world led many Quakers into reformist activism, and others into introspective withdrawal, and conflict within its own ranks ultimately produced the schisms of the 1820s through 1840s. Confronted with such turmoil, few Quakers remained unaffected. The son of attorney Samuel Allinson (1739-1791), and ...

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